Panic and Anxiety
Personalized Treatment For Anxiety, Fears
and Panic Attacks through Hypnosis
Overcome fear, anxiety and panic attacks with in Los Angeles, California. We specialize in treating anxiety, fears, and similar debilitating issues through the power of hypnotherapy. Nicholas Pollak CHt, our experienced hypnotherapist, conducts the sessions.

What Is a Panic Attack?
A panic attack is a “fight or flight” response to a perceived threat. During a panic attack, the mind is typically in a heightened state of fear. Once this happens, it is very difficult to calm down.
Signs of Panic
Anxiety and panic come in many forms. To make sure you are experiencing one of these, ask yourself the following:
- Have you ever thought you were having a heart attack only to be told later it was an anxiety attack?
- Have you ever felt you might stop breathing because your chest feels tight and you’re breathing erratically?
- Do you fear the idea of getting stuck in traffic, on a bridge, or at a red light?
- Do you ever feel nervous and afraid you might lose control?
- Do you struggle with anxious thoughts that will not stop?
- Do you ever feel uncomfortable in enclosed spaces such as supermarkets, cinemas, public transport, or a salon chair?
- Are you nervous in normal situations that never bothered you before?
Physiological Conditions
Sometimes fear and panic can affect your body in harmful ways. You can check for these signs by asking yourself if you have experienced:
• Dizzy Spells Leading to Panic
• Tightness in the Throat and Chest Areas or Shortness of Breath
• Racing Heart with Tingling Sensations
• Hot Flushes Followed by Waves of Anxiety
• Obsessive Worries and Unwanted Thoughts
• Detachment from What Is Going on around You
• Overwhelming Fear That the Anxiety Is Pushing You Over The Edge
The Panic Cycle
Having a panic attack for the first time can be so overwhelming that it leaves a strong imprint on the psyche. This generates a loop of anxiety where the person develops an unhealthy fear of having another panic attack. You can spend anywhere from months to years caught in this repetitive cycle of anxiety unless treated. We are here to help you find relief from panic and fear.
Life Improvement
Turn to us if you need help getting over your fears and anxieties. Through hypnosis, you will slowly improve your self-confidence and achieve the following:
• Regain the Opportunity to Try and Do the Things You Have Been Afraid to Do
• Watch Friends and Family Comment on How Relaxed and Peaceful You Have Become
• Enjoy a Newfound Enthusiasm for Life
• Ease Your Worry as to When the Next Attack May Come
• Become a Source of Encouragement for Others Who Experience Anxiety